
AI Smart Feeding

Feeding 24/7 requires 24/7 attention.

Our fully automated system accurately identifies real time population appetite and adjusts feed levels accordingly to maximize biomass while limiting waste.

Feed your fish perfectly, never underfeed, never overfeed

By understanding waste levels and optimizing feeding, ReelData can minimize waste, maximize growth, and notify about irregular behaviour. This reduces cost, increases revenues and reduces risk.
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Decrease in wasted feed


Increased food consumption


Profit increase per 2,000 MT annual production

How it Works


Place camera system into the outflow pipes coming from each tank,


The camera recognizes wasted feed pellets.

Analyze & Optimize

The amount of wasted feed is compared to a configurable feeding plan. The system sends automatic adjustments to the feeder system to respond to the appetite of the fish.
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Real Savings

Achieve substantial financial efficiencies with ReelAppetite’s 24/7 Ai-driven system. By precisely matching feed supply with real-time demand, our technology significantly reduces feed wastage—one of the largest costs in aquaculture.

This not only lowers operational costs but also enhances feed utilization efficiency, leading to a leaner, more economically sustainable operation.

Healthier Fish

Promote optimal health and growth in your fish stocks with ReelAppetite. Our AI system adjusts feeding based on the actual appetite of your fish, ensuring they receive the right amount of nutrients at the right time. 

This targeted feeding regime supports better health, reduces stress, and improves overall fish well-being, which is critical for high-quality aquaculture production.

Early Issue Detection

Stay ahead of potential problems with ReelAppetite’s intelligent monitoring capabilities. By analyzing feeding patterns and appetite changes, our system can detect early signs of health issues, environmental stress, or other anomalies. 

This allows for prompt intervention, reducing the likelihood of serious complications and supporting stable aquaculture operations.

Mitigate Risks

Minimize operational risks with the predictive capabilities of ReelAppetite. Our AI platform provides continuous monitoring and real-time data, enabling proactive management of feeding processes and environmental conditions. 

This reduces the chance of costly incidents and ensures a consistent, reliable production process, safeguarding your aquaculture investment.

We have learned a lot about our fish and I think before the insight of ReelData we were missing feeding opportunities

– ReelData Client (3,000MT farm)

Proudly Feeding